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Pastor Charles W. Tiner, Sr. organized Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church August 13, 1973 with a membership of 83 people. As these souls came, Pastor Tiner blessed them all collectively from the pulpit and took them into the fold. The late Dr. Rudolph S. Shoultz, pastor of Union Baptist Church, Springfield, Illinois was instrumental in helping Pastor Tiner organize Pilgrim Rest as a recognized Baptist church. Pastor Shoultz’ words of encouragement to us were “you can stay on this corner and die or you can stay on this corner and grow to become a shining light”. When Pilgrim Rest first began, men were few and Pastor Tiner went out into the east side community and searched for a small foundation of men who were willing to learn about Jesus Christ and how to become saved. He began teaching these young men about the good news of Jesus Christ. As these men began to grow spiritually, they in turn reached out and drew other young men to the church that began to grow in Christ. Today you will find Pilgrim Rest is blessed to have dedicated men serving throughout the congregation in various ministries. Serving beside these men are dedicated women and youth in various ministries throughout Pilgrim Rest. It is not uncommon to drive past the corner of Martin Luther King and Laurel and see men and women, boys and girls busy around Pilgrim Rest. “IT DON’T RAIN AT PILGRIM REST” is a popular phrase. As a church family, we’ve learned this statement to be quite true. There is always activity taking place at Pilgrim Rest. Whether it is learning more about Christ, praising the Lord, participating in fellowship activities within various ministries, or maintaining the church grounds, nothing stops us from working on God’s program. A spiritual camaraderie exists within the Pilgrim Rest family when it comes to serving the Lord.

In 49 years of existence, six men have been called to the ministry, three are currently pastoring. Pilgrim Rest has fourteen Deacons. In our early beginnings, there were none. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and direction of Pastor Tiner, there are various ministries at Pilgrim Rest: Deacon, Mothers, Usher, Nurses, Sunday school, Missionary, Youth and Young Adult, Music, New Members, Support Outreach and Bus Ministry. Our Usher Ministry continues to stand tall and serves faithfully on their post, keeping us in order during all worship services. Where would we be without our Music Ministry? From day one, the Pilgrim Rest Mass Choir has blessed our worship services. Forty-nine years later they still sing praises unto the Lord. Minister Vanlee Tiner was the first organist at Pilgrim Rest. He was 10 years of age when he began playing for our Mass Choir and weekly Sunday evening radio broadcast. All five of Pastor Tiner’s children are blessed with musical talent. Vanlee, Dee, Charles Jr., Emmett and Terria have all played a vital role in the music ministry at Pilgrim Rest. In our early beginnings, there weren’t any ministries; Pastor Tiner organized them one by one. Today, collectively, our ministries have strengthened Pilgrim Rest.

Pilgrim Rest celebrates and recognizes their annual days, Youth and Young Adult Day, Womenand Men’s Day as well as Vacation Bible School. Our Sunday school and Missionary ministries support our youth in Easter and Christmas services. Each year on Youth and Young Adult Day the Willie Earl Brooks Memorial Scholarship is awarded to one of our youth members to further their secondary education.


In the mid to late 90’s Pilgrim Rest began acquiring various parcels of land around the corner of Martin Luther King and Laurel. God had given Pastor Tiner the vision to build a new worship facility. October 31, 1999, Groundbreaking – 2000 was held for our new sanctuary and fellowship hall. Deacon Jerry Wiley served as General Contractor for this project; Siciliano Inc. was the construction company. Construction began the first week in April 2000 and was completed in November of that same year. December 3, 2000 was the final service Pilgrim Rest held in their original worship facility. It was a beautiful day filled with tears and joy as we reflected from whence we came 1973 – 2000. On December 10, 2000, Pilgrim Rest dedicated their new sanctuary and fellowship hall. At 10:00 a.m. a ribbon cutting ceremony was held and keys were transferred. Former Springfield Mayor Karen Hasara was our dedication speaker. Other dignitaries were in attendance to give their best wishes. At 11:15 a.m. we held our first worship service. What a time we had praising the Lord and giving thanks! Our special guests were Pastor Edward Whitehead and The New Greater Exodus Missionary Baptist Church of Chicago, IL.

Continuing in the new millennium, Pilgrim Rest continued to grow physically and spiritually. In July 2003, a parking lot was completed on the west side of Martin Luther King completing Phase I of our building project undertaken in 2000. As the years rolled on, Pilgrim Rest continued to serve the Lord. In July of 2005 our Missionary Ministry was rededicated and named “The Bessie Austin Missionary Ministry” in honor of the late Mother Bessie Austin who served as the first president of our Mothers Ministry. Mother Austin’s grandson, Rev. Herman Tolar, Pastor of Disciple Fellowship Christian Church, Washington, IL was the dedication speaker for this occasion. As 2005 ended our Sunday school ministry experienced change.

Our longest serving Sunday school superintendent, Sis. Afra Stout, retired from her position after serving steadfast and faithfully for 25 years. On May 4, 2014, our longest serving Chairman of the Deacon Ministry, Deacon Earl Newman, retired as Chairman completing 40 years of honorable and distinguished steadfast service to Pastor Tiner and the Pilgrim Rest church family. Many souls were added to Christ at Pilgrim Rest under the leadership of our founding pastor, Dr. Charles W. Tiner, Sr. Pilgrim Rest has been blessed to remain constant and grow under the guidance of one shepherd who was led by God for 45 years. On October 1, 2018, our Pastor Charles Tiner, Sr., announced to the Deacon Ministry his retirement as Senior Pastor of Pilgrim Rest MBC. A retirement service was held in his honor on Sunday, December 30, 2018. After 45 years of service, Pastor Tiner officially retired on December 31, 2018. As the Pilgrim Rest family entered 2019, we were diligently praying and seeking God's will for his direction, asking him to continue to keep his loving arms of protection around us and bless us with a new Shepherd to lead us to higher endeavors in the Lord.

In January 2019, a Pastoral Search Committee was organized to begin searching for a new pastor for Pilgrim Rest. The members of this committee were Sister Donna Alexander, Mother Flora Massey, Youth and Young Adult President Kendra Newman, Choir President Angela Avant, Superintendent Martha Jordan, Deacons Larry Austin, Sr, Earl Newman, Louis Jordan, Vice Chairman, Eugene Tennial, Chairman, and Jimmie Austin, Jr., Facilitator. They met tirelessly every Thursday evening.


On Sunday, June 2, 2019, the Pastoral Search Committee held a church meeting after morning service to inform the members of the candidates that met the desired criteria and their desire to be the next pastor of Pilgrim Rest. On the weekend of June 8-9, 2019, Pastor Preston Tolliver III came and taught bible class and preached Sunday morning service. On June 26, 2019, during a church meeting overseen by Wood River District Moderator Pastor Silas Johnson, the members voted to elect Pastor Tolliver as our new spiritual leader. That same evening, the Pastoral Search Committee contacted Pastor Tolliver and offered him the position as our newly appointed pastor. He graciously accepted the call and was overjoyed. Pastor-elect Tolliver started his pastoralship at Pilgrim Rest on August 1, 2019 and was installed on November 10, 2019. However, on October 24, 2020, Pastor Tolliver cordially departed his pastorship from Pilgrim Rest. Beginning the first Sunday in November 2020 our own Minister Toiles Crawford began preaching every first Sunday. Rev. Robert Timms, Fresh Visions Community Church and Rev. Anthony Crawford, New Hope Missionary Baptist Church were asked and agreed to be our guest pulpit speakers on a monthly alternating basis.


During a Covid Pandemic and altered church services, the Pilgrim Rest congregation remained faithful financially and on April 6, 2021, the last mortgage payment on Pilgrim Rest was paid. Pilgrim Rest rejoiced in knowing that “we have come this far by faith.” What a wonderful feeling to rejoice in.

On July 14, 2021, a new Pastoral Search Committee was organized to begin searching for a new pastor for Pilgrim Rest. The members of this committee are Rita Roach, Chairman, Larry Austin,Vice Chairman, Ed McGrone, Earl Newman, Kiswai Broomfield, Lakisha Thomas, Letoyia Snow, Mayola McClain, Juanita Jones, Flora Massey and James Chappell and Jimmie Austin, Jr, facilitator and Mary Coleman as secretary. They met every Wednesday evening.

On Sunday, August 15, 2021 we held our 48th year church anniversary. Rev. Edward Whitehead, pastor of the New Greater Exodus Missionary Baptist Church in Chicago, IL was our guest speaker. After morning service, the congregation gathered outside to hold a mortgage burning service and to dedicate the fellowship hall in the name of Rev. Dr. Charles W. Tiner, Sr. Pastor Tiner was in attendance for this service and Pilgrim Rest rejoiced that this beautiful occasion was done in his honor.


The month of June, 2022 four candidates were presented to the church. These were four qualified candidates who all met the criteria and desire of becoming Pilgrim Rest next pastor. They came and taught bible class on Saturday afternoon and preached on Sunday morning.

On Saturday, July 23, 2022 a called church meeting was held to vote for our new pastor. Pastor T. Ray McJunkins, pastor of Union Baptist Church served as our moderator for this meeting. With much prayer and guidance from the Lord, Rev. Bobby Hampton, Jr. was selected to be the newly pastor of Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church. Immediately as it was announced our Chairman and Chairperson of thepastoral search committee contacted Rev. Hampton and offered him the position as our newly appointed pastor. Rev. Hampton was overjoyed and accepted the call. Pastor-elect Hampton began his pastoralship at Pilgrim Rest on August 7, 2022.


Staying together as a Christian family for 49 years has not been a flowery bed of ease. Some have toiled and labored; some have fallen by the way; some have gone home to live with the Lord. We give thanks to God who has kept his loving arms of protection around us. Pilgrim Rest will survive and continue to roll on and stand as a city that setteth on a hill whose light cannot be hid. As proud as we are of our church today, we are constantly praying to remain humble enough to be of service in order that the Master may someday say, “Come ye Blessed of my Father and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you”. We give God the glory for all that has been done in his most holy and divine name.


Done by the order of the church this 21st day of August in the year of our Lord

Two Thousand and Twenty Two (2022).

Dea. Jimmie Austin, Jr., Chairman, Deacon Ministry

Rev. Bobby Hampton, Jr., Lead Servant 

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